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Forecasting Multiple Items with Seasonality in Power BI

Let us explore how you can quickly forecast multiple items with seasonality in Power BI. Consider a scenario where your firm has accomplished the following in monthly sales in FY 2022 (totaling 1.16B in sales). Your company is targeting to achieve 1.2B in sales for the upcoming year 2023. They want you to put together […]

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Allow multiple users to enter data in a blank table/form in Power BI 

Let us consider a requirement where a blank table or a form in a Power BI report needs to be populated by multiple users in an organization. This table will have fields of various types - numeric values, text, date values, and more. Such a 'distributed data entry' requirement can have several practical applications. For […]

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Manual data entry options in your Power BI table / matrix reports

Most of us would have encountered at least one Power BI report where we felt the need to enter or key in data manually inside the table or matrix. Unfortunately, the native Power BI table or matrix does not allow it. You will need to use Power Apps to enable it. Some third-party visuals allow […]

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Analyze in Excel or Inforiver for Power BI – for Ad-hoc Analysis?

Like pretty much any piece of software, Power BI has multiple ways to solve any given problem. In this article today, I'm going to explain why you might want to use the Inforiver custom visual instead of using the standard Analyse in Excel capability that comes with Power BI. Why Does Analyze in Excel Even […]

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Input & edit sales forecasts in a Power BI report

In the preceding blog, we looked at why sales meetings in many organizations are inefficient. Now let us explore how the combination of Inforiver & Power BI can transform your sales meetings using a sample scenario. The sales manager at ACME Corp meets with the sales team every Monday to discuss and capture the latest […]

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5 ways to run dynamic what-if simulations in Power BI 

Everyday business decision-making involves stakeholders asking a lot of ‘what-if’ questions. For example, what if oil prices go up to a certain level? What if our suppliers increase their costs by 4%? What if our attrition increases by more than the permissible limit? However, typical business intelligence and reporting tools fail to provide this very […]

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Manually enter data in a new column in Power BI table/matrix

While reporting data using a Power BI table/matrix, we often encounter scenarios where we need to insert a new column and enter data manually. With Inforiver, you can create a new column and enter data manually as you do with excel. This is especially useful when Watch the following video to learn more about manual data entry and how […]

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Insert row and manually enter data in Power BI matrix reports

Quite often we would like to insert a row in our table / matrix reports in Power BI and enter our own data. For example, a financial statement report connecting to a database query may be able to fetch revenue & expense metrics. But it might not retrieve the number of shares outstanding. Similarly, a […]

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Maximize your business potential with Inforiver's paginated reporting, data entry, planning & budgeting capabilities
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About Inforiver!
Inforiver is the fastest way to do everything in Power BI. It enables citizen developer productivity and unleashes true self-service with our intuitive and interactive no-code data app suite for Microsoft Power BI. The product is developed by Lumel Technologies Inc, who are #1 Power BI Visuals AppSource Partner serving over 3,000+ customers worldwide with their xViz, Inforiver, and ValQ offerings.
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