
Upcoming webinar on 'Inforiver Charts : The fastest way to deliver stories in Power BI', Aug 29th , Monday, 10.30 AM CST.    Register Now

The fastest way to visualize data & tell stories 
in Power BI

Tell compelling data stories in Power BI | Inforiver

Contextual storytelling​

Use 40+ rich, customizable visualizations with small multiples to tell compelling stories​

Comments & annotations​

Provide insights along with context using data-level comments and annotations​

Dynamic narratives​

Enrich narratives incorporating dynamic data tags and measure-driven data labels​

Integrated KPI cards​

Insert customizable KPI cards within your charts in a single click​

Leverage conditional formatting​

Emphasize outliers, trends and patterns using alerts and highlights​

Multi-dimensional, multi-measure visualizations​

Compare performance across multiple dimensions & measures​

Small multiples/trellis

Create highly insightful, high-information-density reports using small multiples​​

Executive funnel charts​

Leverage advanced funnel to track your pipeline; Displays overall %, numeric values and conversion % by stage

Export your reports to PDF​

Perform pixel-perfect export of your reports to PDF


1. Contextual storytelling​

Tell compelling stories using 40+ charts, rich customizable themes, small multiples, data-level comments and more​

Contextual storytelling​

2. Dynamic narratives​

Enrich your narratives using dynamic titles, data tags, measure-driven data labels and more ​

Dynamic narratives​
Dynamic narratives​

3. Comments & annotations

Explain the context and provide insights using dynamic data-level comments and annotations​

Comments & annotations​

4. Integrate KPI cards in charts​

Utilize presets and several customization options to insert KPI cards in a couple of clicks. You can also create custom calculations in KPI cards using an excel-like formula editor

Integrate KPI cards in charts​

5. Leverage conditional formatting​

Apply pre-set (e.g., win-loss, color scale, comparison band, line gradient) or custom conditional formatting based on rules​

Leverage conditional formatting​

6. Compare performance across multiple dimensions & measures​

This one-of-a-kind charting capability is only available in Inforiver for Power BI

Small multiples with measure in rows

7. Advanced funnel for executives​

Leverage exclusive visualizations such as advanced funnel to track your pipeline; Displays overall %, numeric values and conversion % by stage​

Advanced Funnel chart

8. Single & multi-measure visualizations​

Serve up to 40+ visualizations, including charts that can handle multiple non-comparative measures (e.g., revenue & margin %)​

single and multi measure variation.

9. Inline charts inside matrix reports​

Deliver a range of charts and visualizations in your matrix reports in a single click using Inforiver Matrix​​

Leverage conditional formatting​

10. Trend​

Incorporate spark lines, spark columns and its variants such as win-loss trend to capture performance over time​


11. Performance​

Utilize bullet charts, clustered bars, overlapped, grouped, stacked & 100% stacked bars and columns​


12. Magnitude​​

Deliver bar, lollipop/pin charts and data bars for highlighting magnitude and significance​​


13. Distribution​​

Highlight distribution across categories using stacked chart and waterfall visualizations and progress bars​


14. Changes/deviation​​

Track changes over time or with respect to benchmark by using dot plot, arrow plot, dumbbell plot & range plots​


15. Comparison

Leverage variance charts such as bars and pins/lollipops that highlight both absolute and percentage variances with alerts


16. Integrated variance

Compare two measures and visualize integrated variances using line, area, column, bar and waterfall charts​

Integrated variance​
Integrated variance​

17. Dual axis​

Visualize relationships between measures with different scaling​

Dual axis​

18. Slope Graph​

Compare and analyze how your business metrics have performed at two points in time (e.g., before & after Black Friday Sale)​


19. Combo​​

Utilize combo charts such as bar/column with waterfall​​


20. Blend columns/KPIs​

Blend two measures in a single column along with formatting, including conditional formatting​

Blend columns/KPIs​
Blend columns/KPIs​

21. Pixel-perfect export to PDF​

Export to PDF with the exact formatting as seen in your reports​

Pixel-perfect export to PDF​

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About Inforiver!
Inforiver is the fastest way to do everything in Power BI. It enables citizen developer productivity and unleashes true self-service with our intuitive and interactive no-code data app suite for Microsoft Power BI. The product is developed by Lumel Technologies Inc, who are #1 Power BI Visuals AppSource Partner serving over 3,000+ customers worldwide with their xViz, Inforiver, and ValQ offerings.
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