
Upcoming webinar on 'Inforiver Charts : The fastest way to deliver stories in Power BI', Aug 29th , Monday, 10.30 AM CST.    Register Now

Migrate and consolidate your analytics in Power BI

Migrate and consolidate your analytics in Power BI

IBCS certifiedPower BI certified

Retire legacy tools and fulfill all your needs in Microsoft stack

Using Analytics+, you can implement key features available in other BI tools but not seen in Power BI yet, such as the following:​

  1. Visual PivotTable for your hierarchical data on all three axes (x,y,z) like Spotfire​
  2. Small multiple for all charts like Tableau and Spotfire ​
  3. Split and group measures into small multiple panels like Tableau ​
  4. Flexible chart combinations in small multiples like Tableau​
  5. Lasso and reverse lasso selections like Qlik and Tableau​
  6. Small-multiple tables with Excel-like formatting ​

and more​

hierarchical small multiples analytics plusconditionally format kpi headers analytics plusmeasure in row small multiples analytics plusflexible-chart-comparison-small-multiplesmanually-group-measurestop-n-in-small-multipleslasso-and-reverse-lasso-selectionbuild-ibcs-certified-visualsconditional-formattingmeasure-driven-data-labelsApply-rich-themesexport-to-pdf

Analytics+: Vision and Roadmap

Discover our long-term vision and exciting roadmap that brings us closer to achieving our goals.
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Analytics+ delivers a unique selection of strategic & advanced charts

Analytics+ delivers advanced and strategic charts such as​

  1. Executive funnel – tracking cumulative conversion ratio and drop-off ratio for each stage​
  2. Box and whisker plot supporting both dynamic and pre-calculated quartiles ​
  3. Marimekko chart (a.k.a variable width column or cascade chart) with stacked and 100% scaled option​
  4. Advanced waterfalls – stacked and dual breakdown, variance, combination, etc. available in PowerPoint add-ins such as ThinkCell and Mekko Graphics ​
  5. Special charts for storytelling, such as – slope graph, lollipop, dumbbell, dot plot, arrow & range plots

 ​ and more​

small-multipe-tables-matrixexecutive-funnelMarimekko Strategicbox & whisker plotAdvanced Waterfall Strategic ChartsBullet Strategic ChartsStorytelling Strategic Chartsdual-axis-chartsanalytics-plus-chart-types

Featured videos

Analytics Plus
Analytics Plus
Analytics Plus

Featured Blogs

3 ways to create a budget in powerbi featured3 ways to create a budget in powerbi featured3 ways to create a budget in powerbi featured

Tell better stories with Analytics+

Leverage advanced, dynamic and filter-context-aware annotations with rich-text formatting. Analytics+ supports annotations in small multiples and tables too, and supports both data-point and canvas annotations.


Upcoming webinar

Building IBCS-compliant reports in Power BI

Date & time: Aug 14, 2024, 11 AM CEST I Speaker: Hamsini Sukumar, Data Visualisation Specialist

Register now
Box Whisker Plot Demo
Advanced Waterfall Charts Demo
Marimekko Charts

Featured demos

  • Get your FREE eBook

    The ultimate guide to waterfall charts in Power BI

    Learn everything you need to know about waterfall charts and how to create them right inside Power BI!

  • Get your FREE eBook

    The ultimate guide to Marimekko charts in Power BI

    Learn everything you need to know about Marimekko charts and how to create them right inside Power BI!

  • Get your FREE eBook

    The ultimate guide to bullet charts in Power BI

    Learn everything you need to know about bullet charts and how to create them right inside Power BI!

  • Get your FREE eBook

    The ultimate guide to box plots in Power BI

    Learn everything you need to know about box plots and how to create them right inside Power BI!

  • Get your FREE eBook

    The ultimate guide to dual & multi-axis charts in Power BI

    Learn everything you need to know about dual & multi-axis charts and how to create them right inside Power BI!


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Maximize your business potential with Inforiver's paginated reporting, data entry, planning & budgeting capabilities
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About Inforiver!
Inforiver is the fastest way to do everything in Power BI. It enables citizen developer productivity and unleashes true self-service with our intuitive and interactive no-code data app suite for Microsoft Power BI. The product is developed by Lumel Technologies Inc, who are #1 Power BI Visuals AppSource Partner serving over 3,000+ customers worldwide with their xViz, Inforiver, and ValQ offerings.
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