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Allocate budgets in Power BI

Allocating budgets is a common technique that simplifies the approach to strategic and financial planning. Allocations help organizations plan at a macro level and distribute available budgets and resources across departments, locations, plants, products, teams, and even time. Let us explore this with an example. You have a budget of $2M for hiring in 2024. […]

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Create a monthly forecast or budget tracker in Power BI

Almost every professional working in sales, operations, or finance has used a monthly tracker in Excel with categories in rows and months or weeks across columns. Most times, this template is used to compare actual performance to projections.   We are going to see how you can create such a template in Power BI, with the […]

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Budget vs. Forecast: A comparison

We often hear about budgets, plans and forecasts, and may have wondered – how are they different? Well, let’s take a quick look. Budget vs. Forecast: A quick definition A budget is a goal (or an expectation) set by a business for an upcoming financial cycle. For example, ACME Corp finalized its annual budget for […]

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Calculate remaining budget in Power BI (without using DAX)

In Microsoft Power BI, you may often encounter incorrect total values while using calculated measures. Here is one such example. We have budget amounts for a few products (Budget Amount) and have incurred expenses against each (Posted Expenses). Our objective is to calculate remaining budget in a new column, and add them up. Let us […]

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About Inforiver!
Inforiver is the fastest way to do everything in Power BI. It enables citizen developer productivity and unleashes true self-service with our intuitive and interactive no-code data app suite for Microsoft Power BI. The product is developed by Lumel Technologies Inc, who are #1 Power BI Visuals AppSource Partner serving over 3,000+ customers worldwide with their xViz, Inforiver, and ValQ offerings.
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