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Inforiver Matrix October 2022 Update  

by Inforiver | Oct 05, 2022 | ,

Welcome to the Inforiver Matrix October 2022 update. We are thrilled to announce several new features and key enhancements (for all the editions) most anticipated by our Inforiver community!   

Key enhancements in this v1.7 release include: 

1. Pivot mode

One of the most widely requested features, Excel-like pivot mode is now available in Inforiver!
Inforiver supports expand/collapse hierarchies along both rows and columns like traditional pivot tables along with Stepped, Outline and classic pivot table layouts inside Power BI.  

In the ‘Layout’ option, you can find the ‘Pivot Mode’ with options to show values on rows or columns as shown below. 

Pivot Mode

In this example, the matrix is configured with ‘Rows’ -> Category & Sub Category, ‘Columns’ -> Quarter and ‘Values’ -> 2021 Actuals and 2020 Actuals. 

On selecting ‘Values on Rows’, the matrix gets transformed as shown below. The measures 2021 Actuals and 2020 Actuals are displayed under the Categories and Sub Categories as rows and the Quarters are displayed as columns. 

Pivot Mode Values on Rows

On selecting ‘Values on Columns’, the measures are grouped by quarters as shown below. 

Pivot Mode Values on Column

Note that you can apply Pivot Mode to any of the layout options – Hierarchy, Outline, Table and Stepped. 

This is a very commonly requested feature for users looking to migrate their Excel Pivot tables to Power BI and this is not possible with calculation groups as well.  

2. Data input in pivot mode

In ‘Pivot Mode’, when ‘Values on Rows’ is enabled – you can insert a measure using manual data input and perform allocations. 

In the below example, a budget is created and the input 1.22 billion is allocated based on prior year actuals. 

Data Input Values on Rows

3. Conditional formatting - Ranking

In addition to Rules, Color Scale and Classification, v1.7 introduces conditional formatting based on Ranking.  

In this example, sales for the top 3 sub categories in each category are formatted using style and icons based on (Sales – Sales Plan) %. 

Conditional Formatting - Ranking

4. Mixed layout

The Mixed Layout offers the benefits of the Hierarchy and Stepped layouts. You can choose to visualize important fields as separate columns resulting in a compact but detailed matrix. 

In the below example, Category, Sub Category and Region are represented as a hierarchy with the Sub Region as a separate column. 

Mixed layout

This mixed layout option is available when you have 3 or more hierarchy levels and can be enabled by going into Display –> Hierarchy.  

For reference, the same table using a Stepped layout is shown below which results in 4 columns. 

Mixed layout option

5. Multiline support in formula bar

The formula editor provides multiline support to help users successfully read, create, and troubleshoot formulas, especially nested formulas. 

Formula bar

6. New header preset

V1.7 introduces a header preset which displays the column and row dimensions. After selecting a preset, you can continue to edit the containers by including charts or KPI etc. 

Header preset

The below image shows the column and row fields. Header presets are also accessible using the icon as highlighted in the right. 

Header preset

7. Row pinning / Row freeze enhancement

Based on popular demand, we have introduced row pinning even when charts are included in the visual as shown in the below image. 

Row Pinning

In addition to these features and enhancements, we also have several important bug fixes as part of this release. 

  1. Formatting KPI header (bold/italics/underline) and exporting to Excel and PDF 
  2. UI issues in insert rows - all insert items are distributed to respective tabs 
  3. Static rows in audit logs 
  4. Conditional formatting icons in all browsers 
  5. Report+ header presets 
  6. KPI presets in dark theme 

Most importantly – Inforiver default font has been changed to Inforiver Sans Font and it is in the same font family as Power BI default font “Segoe” but is monospaced for better alignment and readability in financial reports.  

Note: Version 1.7 is currently available only in our website and it would take about 2 weeks in the AppSource. 

You can now purchase Inforiver Premium directly from Microsoft without having to onboard as a vendor with your credit card or invoice/PO method. 

We'd love to hear your ideas for Inforiver – be it a cool new feature or an improvement on existing features. Visit the Inforiver Community to share your ideas, vote on other submissions, and interact with other users.  

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About Inforiver!
Inforiver is the fastest way to do everything in Power BI. It enables citizen developer productivity and unleashes true self-service with our intuitive and interactive no-code data app suite for Microsoft Power BI. The product is developed by Lumel Technologies Inc, who are #1 Power BI Visuals AppSource Partner serving over 3,000+ customers worldwide with their xViz, Inforiver, and ValQ offerings.
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