
Upcoming webinar on 'Inforiver Charts : The fastest way to deliver stories in Power BI', Aug 29th , Monday, 10.30 AM CST.    Register Now

Product Analysis Report

The report analyzes the performance of different classes within the company's brands by evaluating its quantity, sales and profitability.
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Related Demos

Introduction Demo

Inforiver Analytics+ combines 100+ charts, KPI cards, and tables with features like visual pivot tables for three-axis data, small multiples

Sales Performance

Build detailed Sales dashboards with variance charts, comparing regions, products, and revenue targets effortlessly.

Advanced waterfall charts

Explore 20+ Inforiver waterfall charts for powerful sales and financial analysis.

20+ Waterfall chart variations and advanced customizations

Explore 20+ waterfall chart variations along with advanced features and customization options.

Executive Funnel

Inforiver’s executive funnel chart can be used to track the cumulative conversion and drop-off ratios for each stage.

Box and whisker plot

Discover Box & Whisker plots for outlier identification and distribution comparison between data groups.

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Maximize your business potential with Inforiver's paginated reporting, data entry, planning & budgeting capabilities
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About Inforiver!
Inforiver is the fastest way to do everything in Power BI. It enables citizen developer productivity and unleashes true self-service with our intuitive and interactive no-code data app suite for Microsoft Power BI. The product is developed by Lumel Technologies Inc, who are #1 Power BI Visuals AppSource Partner serving over 3,000+ customers worldwide with their xViz, Inforiver, and ValQ offerings.
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