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Turn off matrix totals in Power BI

by Inforiver | Jan 20, 2023 |

Related to Power BI Ideas: Turn off Matrix Total - 

When we use the native matrix visual in Power BI, the process to turn off the grand total is not straightforward and intuitive. We can only turn off the totals or subtotals at a specific level as shown below: 

Turn off the totals or subtotals

In Inforiver matrix visual, we can turn off the totals and subtotals from the Totals item on the toolbar. In fact, you will notice some additional settings too that can be applied to row & column totals as well as subtotals. This option provides the best user experience as one need not search for these properties.  

Let us illustrate this with an example: 

1. To simply turn off the total, choose Totals in the menu under the Home tab. You will observe the following options: 

Totals - Home
Turn off the totals or subtotals - Home options

2. Under Row Grand Total we have the option to switch off the Matrix Totals. Click on that and Matrix Row Total will be turned off: 

Row Grand Total - Off

3. We can even do the same operation for column Grand Totals. Here we have a matrix with a Column Grand Total: 

Column Grand Total

4. Simply repeat the same steps but this time we must switch off the Matrix Total under Column Grand Total

Column Grand Total - Off

5. We can also change the position of Matrix Total/Subtotal. For example, the Row Grand Total can either be in the top/bottom. In this case we choose the Top option: 

Row Grand Total - Top

6. Alternatively we can also change the position of the Column Grand Total/Subtotal to be either Left/Right. In this case we choose Left: 

Column Grand Total - Left

Play around with these options and figure out how easy it is to configure the matrix the way you want. 

Download a free trial of Inforiver Matrix today. 

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Inforiver is the fastest way to do everything in Power BI. It enables citizen developer productivity and unleashes true self-service with our intuitive and interactive no-code data app suite for Microsoft Power BI. The product is developed by Lumel Technologies Inc, who are #1 Power BI Visuals AppSource Partner serving over 3,000+ customers worldwide with their xViz, Inforiver, and ValQ offerings.
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