Welcome to the Inforiver March 2022 update. We are thrilled to announce several new features and key enhancements (for all the editions) most anticipated by our Inforiver community!
Here is a video summarizing the key updates.
New Features & Enhancements
Audit Log
- Timestamps for changes
- Listing by chronological order
- Filter by cell/row/column
Auto Fit
- Preview option in focus mode to understand fit in smaller screen
- Auto fit one or more selected columns
Blend Measure
- Auto populate on selecting 2 measures
- Blend measures horizontally
- Add padding between the 2 measures
- Icon in column header to denote blended measures
Bullet Chart
- Conditional Bar – bar color is based on positive/negative variance
- Fill pattern (Solid, Outlined and Hatched) for Integrated Bullet chart
- Comparison bands for Stephen Few’s Quantitative Bullet visual
- Select specific members from a category e.g., only Q1 and Q2 for the last 3 years
- Option to sort measures – Ascending or Descending
- Align labels – Left, Center or Right
New Charts
Stacked Bar
- Dumbbell and Range Plot – for drawing attention to the qualitative difference between 2 groups
- Dot Plot – for visualizing the difference between 3 groups
- Arrow Plot – for indicating the direction of change between 2 groups in time
New Formula Bar
- Excel-like cell highlighting
- New reference .COLUMN to select columns within a hierarchy measure
- Dynamic example in formula bar
Calculated Row
- Template row for lowest child level of balanced hierarchy
- Insert Smart analysis based on calculated row
- Refer row totals inside calculated rows
Data Bar
- Enhanced color picker – select min and max colors for gradient
- Align data bar to the left or right
Display Settings
- Search for specific properties. Tags have been added for ease of use; typing invert shows related results such as sign in headers.
- Option to show/hide measure header
- Row/Column/Rows & Column Word wrap option
- Option to turn off edit cell indicator
- Set padding for row totals
- Custom/Alias name for scaling titles
- Apply simulation from parent to child
- Simulate multiple leaf cells in the same column simultaneously
- Support for multiple cell selection, control click and range selection
- Underline option for cell, row, column, measure/column/row/column group header
- Rounded corner support for borders
- Copy formatting from one column header to another
Reset Changes
- Reset Format, Notes or All changes
- Formatting can be cleared for selected columns
Charts Enhancements
- X Axis with tick marks on top of charts which is responsive to resizing
- Bar Charts - Data Label Flip, Reference Line, Reference Band and Bar Padding
Stepped Layout
- Expand to specific level
- Option to turn off single child rows
- Configure single child row as Parent only, Single child as parent etc.
Sparkline Enhancements
- Customize Null Display – connect over nulls, consider null as 0 or skip the nulls
- Appearance customizations – Stroke width, Area Color, Line Color, Max, Min, and Label Color
- Padding for win/loss columns
- Baseline Chart – Set axis as Median, Average, Standard deviation etc. and visualize the trend relative to it
- Scale bands to indicate distribution of values
- Create sparkline for a subset of the columns
Responsive toolbar
- For smaller sizes, the toolbar switches to minimal mode which can be pinned or enabled on hover
Rows & Columns
- Column Pinning – Pin selected columns
- Column Filtering – Filter rows based on whether the value is greater, lesser, or equal to specified value
- Group rows visually and set position as top or bottom
- Hide an Entire Level using show/hide icon
- Column Spacing – Create a space between columns
Header & Footer Customizations
- Pixel dimensions for KPI cards
- Margins, Split panel, Swap containers and Entire header border
- Alignment, Padding and Text formatting
Important Bug Fixes
- Non additive rows (when include in total is off) will not be included in visualizations
- Export to Excel gradient color issue has been fixed
- Export to Excel/PDF is possible when sparkline average, min and max columns are present
- Section breaks for table and stepped navigation is fixed
- Smart analysis: Creation of contribution based on already created % contribution column is disabled
We'd love to hear your ideas for Inforiver – be it a cool new feature or an improvement on existing features. Visit the Inforiver Community to share your ideas, vote on other submissions, and interact with other users.