
Upcoming webinar on 'Inforiver Charts : The fastest way to deliver stories in Power BI', Aug 29th , Monday, 10.30 AM CST.    Register Now

Snapshot reporting in Power BI - What, Why & How?

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49 minutes
Hamsini Sukumar Data Visualisation Specialist
Short Description
Join us in this webinar and experience a LIVE DEMO on how Inforiver delivers no-code snapshot reporting in Power BI.

A snapshot is a copy of a set of records/metrics as viewed on a particular date & time. Snapshots taken over a span of time help enterprises analyse factors such as movement, trends, and variances. A very common use case of snapshot reporting is in Finance, where there is a need to take a snapshot of data & metrics during close of reporting (day/week/month/quarter) periods.

Experience a live demo on how Inforiver delivers no-code snapshot reporting in Power BI from this webinar replay.

Specifically, we will focus on:

  1. What are reporting snapshots?
  2. Advantages and uses of snapshots
  3. How to create report snapshots in Power BI
  4. Scheduling snapshots at regular intervals
  5. Viewing, exporting and comparing snapshots in reading view
  6. Comparing snapshots using automatic variance and % variance calculations

…… and much more!

Explore our e-book, "Snapshot reporting in Power BI - What, Why & How?’ here.

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Inforiver helps enterprises consolidate planning, reporting & analytics on a single platform (Power BI). The no-code, self-service award-winning platform has been recognized as the industry’s best and is adopted by many Fortune 100 firms.

Inforiver is a product of Lumel, the #1 Power BI AppSource Partner. The firm serves over 3,000 customers worldwide through its portfolio of products offered under the brands Inforiver, EDITable, ValQ, and xViz.

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